Hi! I'm (kinda) Aphoni!

If you haven't gotten it yet, Aphoni is a pseudonym I use online whenever I don't want to use my real name. If you still don't get it, try sounding it out: a-phon-i → a-phony → a phony Combine that with the domain name to get "a phony (dot) name".

Since I am nonbinary, I initially came up with it based on of Adonis, who loved Apollo in a feminine way and Persephone in a masculine way. I squished Apollo with Persephone to get Aphoni. I also like that it sounds like "a phony" because it's a fake name.

Here would be where I would typically tell you to check out other stuff of mine, but so far I don't have anything else associated with this name. Chances are you found this page because I linked it to you directly. If in the off chance you somehow found it some other way feel free to send me a friend request on discord @aphoni.